Kimberley, cariad. You have voiced things I have felt over the past years since having my daughter. I’m sure we are not the only ones. You speak from the heart and that is never wrong. Trolls will troll, probably because they feel bad about themselves so have to make others feel as crap as they do. You are a delight to watch professionally and here as yourself. You will get parts because you are fab. Take care my lovely, cwtch from Swansea 🧡

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Hi Kimberley, it's so good to hear you talking about this stuff. It helps people deal with things themselves. I can so much relate to the people pleasing behaviour frustrations and hearing your experiences is helpful to me. Every year i fail to meet my new year's resolution to be more unpleasant 😁 which of course is really about not disadvantaging myself to be liked by people whose opinions actually don't matter to me (and not to assume what they are thinking anyway). I do think there is actually a very large gulf between asserting yourself on occasion and being seen as a difficult person. We have to set boundaries for others too. Other people have to accept, as the Stones sang, 'you can't always get what you want'

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Hiya, the video worked well. Sometimes it’s nice to see the person speaking, especially when it’s about quite personal things, as you can see the emotion on your face and it kind of enhances what you’re trying to get across to the audience. I’ve just watched all of Fresh Meat again on Netflix and although it was a few years ago now, your acting skills come across as so natural and I’ve got no doubt you’ll be landing big parts in big productions again, very soon. Keep your chin up, you got this!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Oh I didn’t realize this awesome podcast was your first voice & video. (I haven’t heard your previous but have watched and rewatched all you punny jokes you posted and I gotta say, seeing you speak is the best). I’ll be sure to listen to the rest soon on my walks. ❤️

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Hi Kimberley,

The Video works great, I love your podcasts.

We need more like it. Keep telling it how it is.

Stay Amazingly Awesome ❤️

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