Thank you Kimberly. You really give me a new way of thinking about the way I am and how I maybe got this way and what I can do to reconnect with myself the way nature had intended.

Free to explore and repair all my imposed behaviors that maybe aren’t the best for me. I know my issues barely compare to your own struggles and am amazed at your resilience, and being able to come back from the overwhelming feelings you have lived with at times. You sharing these things so kindly and honestly encourages me to join in on a journey of self love, care and recovery no matter how large or small these issues may be. It maybe took years to get messed up and it will take that long again probably to get right again. It takes patience and help like yours.

Thank you again and it’s an honor to know this part of you and how enslaved brains can better process life. ❤️

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Thank you so much for sharing this Kim. I can relate to all of it so much - postpartum OCD and neurodivergence. I have just been diagnosed with ADHD. Does your GP do ‘right to choose’? It’s NHS funded but they pay for a private clinic to assess you. The whole thing took 6 months rather than 2+ years. Not sure what it’s like in Wales.

So much love and appreciation for all you’ve shared. Feel like we and everyone who is or has gone through this are survivors and warriors together!

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This is going to sound weird, but the bit near the end about getting better reminds me of this clip from The X-files where Mulder talks about wishing he had a peg leg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOro9qMSUy8

For me, being agoraphobic has become my “peg leg” so to speak, if I were to get better then there are expectations of who I'll be on the other side of it. There's a part of me that's a bit scared of getting through to the other side and “get back to normal” because that person I was five years ago is gone, I don't know who the future me will be and that's scary.

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